Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Daughter was hospitalized and Police broke my hand with a stick


I am Manoj Modi, age 52, father late Badan Modi a native of village Tilaiya post Tilaiya police station Tilaiya district Koderma, Jharkhand. My wife and my 2 children live in my family. We run a grocery shop in Tilaiya city and live happily with my family.

On May 5, 2020, at about 10 o'clock at night, I was returning home from Aryan Hospital in the city. The entire city was in lock down. Not a single person could be seen on the road. I had reached the police station by my bike only when a policeman stopped my car and asked us where you are coming from. We said, sir, he is coming from Aryan Hospital. My daughter is going to be delivered. He is admitted to bear. On hearing this, the policeman said that after fighting with liquor, he used to fight with the police, we said, sir, we have not drunk. The police said angrily to me that the liquor is coming and lying that you are coming from the hospital. I said, sir, you have a machine, so check it out. It will be clear that I have drunk or not.


As soon as the police spoke, the police started abusing me dirtyly and picked up sticks and started running on my entire body. We were screaming, but there was no one to hear my voice in that silence. I was groaning with pain but he abused us by abusing there. While beating, every time he would say "Drunk is coming and saying that he is coming from this hospital". The policeman did not stop even once to see the hospital slip or pass. The hand of the stick broke my hand. We were completely half dead. Blood was coming out from place to place in my body. At that time there was a feeling of silence in my mind. My family members picked us up to take them to a private clinic where I was treated. Till now I was destitute for my daughter but now I sat down with my grief. That incident caused fear in me. The government had given up emergency service but the policeman did not stop even once and saw the paper. What could I do?

 I was compelled that he was a policeman, we could do anything, we were knowing that there would be no action on that policeman, but the villagers met the Superintendent of Police and asked for his satisfaction and applied to the police station but nothing happened in this incident. I was feeling scared for a long time. We were not even talking to anyone at home and in our locality. We felt that what people would think that what happened to me or I would have made some mistake for which we were done. That's why many people were not even talking to us. My daughter came back home. I was very sad that I could not go to the hospital to see my daughter again, I met my daughter at home.


When I remember this incident even today, we cry. After talking to you, arouse some hope.

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Is it a crime to ask for paper?

 I am Abdul Rahim Ansari, age 34, father of Ibrahim Ansari, a resident of Village Nawadih, Domchanch Police Station Domchanch. All the people in my family work as laborers. I also help them by working as laborers. Was at home at the time of lock down.


A mountain of sorrow broke over my family when we came to know that my brother-in-law had come to meet me at my house before the lock down. But after the lock down, some people of the village also gave the name of my brother-in-law to Sahia didi, we did not have any information about this.


After a few days, my brother-in-law got a call from the police station, from there the policeman said that come to the police station and get bail. Your name has also come under lock down violation. On this, my brother-in-law said that during the lock-down, we were in the house, the police did not listen to even one of them. My brother-in-law came to my house.


We reached the Domchan police station with our brother-in-law. S.I present in the police station told us that some money will have to be paid to get the bail done. We said that. The business was closed all in the lock down. You will get money from where whatever was left over has also been spent in food. Right now, people are spending money by borrowing from people. We folded our hands and asked them to make it Saheb. We will come after a few days and give that amount. He said that we will get the money only then we will get the bail. Frustrated, we came back home. We were upset in arranging the money, then someone told that there is no money in the police station. We breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time. My brother-in-law's grandmother had passed away. He went to his village for the last rites of his grandmother.


He was also called by the police there. While abusing the phone, he said that come to the police station now. My brother-in-law immediately came to my house. They came. Told me, brother, get ready, we have to go to the police station, both of us had a small amount of money for the police station.


The little Babu, sitting inside the Domchancha police station, asked the names of the two of us. He said that Bell is needed. I said yes, then they asked for money. After withdrawing all the money we had, he said that it is okay to go now. With a soldier, he drove us out. I dared to ask that sir, give me a slip or a bell paper so that we would know that his ox is gone.


They did not give any paper to us, instead they started abusing them and said that they are recording. Nobody was recording. They forcibly snatched my phone from the pocket above me. They bungled me and my brother-in-law to steal from the top. They formatted my phone. They made me and my brother-in-law worthy of worship. Moved inside and placed it. I sat there and wondered what the paper was about. Asking is a crime. The police made me stand upside down and hit my backyard with a lot of sticks. At the time of beating, he was saying that this is what we are. Inaugurate the beating today. After that, he gave me red as well. Hit and threatened that after today, whatever will be the case of theft in Domchang, you will be implicated in it.


After this, he hit me again and asked for money from us. The police present there asked us for money. I had 600 rupees, I gave it to them for fear of being killed. On the same day late at around 10 o'clock, they left both of us. We were just leaving the Hajat, then he again threatened us that it would not be good if we told this incident to someone. We have cleaned our hands a little bit.


In this incident, I have been broken from inside. Now scared to go out. We were relieved after telling you what we said.

मेरा हँसता खेलता घर मेरे साले और सास पैसे के लालच में बर्बाद कर दिया |

राजू विश्वकर्मा 

मै राजू विश्वकर्मा उम्र 28 वर्ष पिता स्व0 रामदेव विश्वकर्मा ग्राम डेवटन पंचायत खेरसान पोस्ट कहुवाई थाना गांवा जिला गिरिडीह झारखण्ड का मूल निवासी हु! और हम वर्तमान में मजदूरी करते है मेरा हँसता खेलता परिवार मेरे साले और सास ने बर्बाद कर दिया है | 

मेरी घटना यह है की मेरा विवाह हिन्दू रीती रिवाज से कोडरमा जिला के मरकच्चो प्रखंड के नावाडीह-2 निवासी स्व0 सरयू विश्वकर्मा की पुत्री रेखा देवी से हिन्दू रीती रिवाज से 10 फरवरी 2010 को हुआ था, शादी के बाद हम दोनों पति पत्नी खुश थे, हमारे बीच छोटी छोटी बातो पर कभी कभी नोक झोक होता था इस दौरान हमने अपने दाम्पत्य जीवन का एक लम्बा सफ़र तय किया इस बीच हमें चार बच्चे हुए जिसमे दो की मृत्यु हो गई, और दो है एक मेरी बेटी 1 पूजा कुमारी, उम्र 8 वर्ष 2 रिया कुमारी उम्र 3 वर्ष है! 

हम पूरी तरह खुशाहाल थे, और पति पत्नी बीच किसी भी तरह का कोई विवाद नहीं था, हम अपने ससुराल के पास ही अपना दूकान ग्रिल दुकान दिए हुए थे जिसमें मेरा जेनरेटर, ड्रिल,वेल्डिंग मशीन, इत्यादि के साथ पलंग, इनवर्टर, और घर का सारा सामान के साथ वही पर रह रहे थे और अपनी पत्नी को वही रख रहे थे, कुछ दिन बाद हम वहा से अपने घर चले आये इस दौरान हम अपना सारा सामान वही छोड़ आये, जिसके कुछ दिन बाद मेरी पत्नी मायके गई, जिसके बाद मै अपनी पत्नी को लाने घर गया, जहा मेरे साले राजू ने हमें अपनी पत्नी को लाने नहीं दिया, हम अपना सामान मांगे परन्तु वह सामान भी देने से इनकार कर दिया, जिसके बाद हम घर वापस आ गए घर आने के बाद हमने गाँव के लोगो से बात कर के पंचायत करने की बात कही और हमने 12 जून 2014 को एक पंचायत करवाए जिसमे दोनों परिवार को हिदायत दे कर उन्हें रजि ख़ुशी से एक साथ रहने की बात कही गई,

 और पंचायत के बाद वो फिर अपने तरफ से पंचायत कारवाई परन्तु फिर भी वो वापस नहीं आई जिसके बाद मेरे साले और मेरी सास ने मेरी पत्नी से जबरन मेरे ऊपर 498(a) के तहत कोडरमा न्यायलय में मुकदम दायर करने से पूर्व अपने वकील से वकालतन नोटिस भेज कर मुकदमा दायर किया, और इस तरह मेरे ससुराल वालो ने मेरी जिन्दगी बर्बाद करने के लिए मुकदमा किया, इसके बाद हम उनलोगों को यह बोलते रहे की आप लोग अपनी दुश्मनी के कारण मेरा घर परिवार बर्बाद कर रहे है, आपको क्या मिलेगा मेरा घर बर्बाद कर के, इस बीच हम अपने समाज के गन मान्य लोगो से बात कर के घर बसाने की बात किये, जिस पर समाज के लोगो ने पहल करवाते हुए 26/03/19 को कोडरमा न्यायलय में 26 मार्च 2019 को दोनों पक्षों के बीच समझौता करवाया गया और जब लड़की के जाने की बारी आई तो मेरे साला राजू द्वारा अपनी बहन को अपना कसम खिलाया की तुम ससुराल जाएगी तो हम बर्बाद हो जायेंगे उसी के सामन से हम कमाते खाते है!

 तुम गई तो हमलोग बेघर और बेरोजगार हो जायेंगे, क्या तुम चाहती है की तुम्हारा भाई बेरोजगार हो जाए तुम्हारा जितना होगा हम पूरा करेंगे, और यह सब बोल कर मेरी पत्नी को कोर्ट से ही भगा कर घर ले गया, जिसके बाद फिर उनलोगों ने फोन कर धमकी दिया की तुमको बर्बाद कर देंगे घर का इट- इट बिकवा देंगे अभी तो तुम चक्कर में पड़े हो अगर तुम मेरी बहन को रखना चाहते हो तो हमें 5 लाख रुपया दो तब हम केस उठा कर अपनी बहन विदा करेंगे, अगर नहीं दिए तो झेलने के लिए तैयार रहना, इस तरह की धमकी से हम काफी परेशान हो गए है,

 वही मेरी पत्नी मेरे बिना रहना नहीं चाहती है और वह आये दिन हमें अपने पास ले जाने के लिए गुहार लगाते रहती है और हमें फोन कर के ले जाने की बात कहती है, परन्तु अपने माँ और भाई से डरती है और कहती है अगर हम दोनों भाग भी गए तो कोर्ट में केस रहने की वजह से जेल जाना पड़ेगा और हम आपको जेल जाने देना नहीं चाहते है, दोनों बच्चे का देख भाल फिर कौन करेगा ? मेरी पत्नी कहती है आप जो कुछ कहियेगा हम सब कुछ मामने के लिए तैयार है आपका नहीं मानेंगे तो किसका मानेंगे? हम दोनों के इतने मधुर सम्बन्ध है की दोनों एक दुसरे के बिना एक पल रहना नहीं चाहते है! पर हमारे मधुर रिश्ते में मेरा साला और मेरी सास विलेन बन कर मेरा और मेरे बच्चे के साथ मेरी पत्नी का जीवन ख़राब कर रही है! 

 हम चाहते है की मेरा घर परिवार बस जाए और हम अपने बच्चो के साथ अच्छे से जीवन व्यतीत कर सके |

My laughing house ruined my brother-in-law and mother-in-law's greed for money

Raju VIshwakarma

 I am Raju Vishwakarma age 28 years old Father Name Ramdev Vishwakarma Village Devtan Panchayat Kherasan Post Kahuwai Police Station, Ganwa District Giridih, native of Jharkhand! And we currently wage my family playing my laughing. My brother-in-law and mother-in-law have ruined my event

It is that I was married to Hindu customs on 10 February 2010 from Rekha Devi, daughter of Late Saryu Vishwakarma, resident of Navadih-2 of Markkacho block of Koderma district, on Hinduism and rituals, both of our husbands and wives were happy after marriage. Sometimes there was a tip over small things. During this time, we set a long journey of our married life. In the meantime, we had four children, two of whom died, and two are one, my daughter, 1 Pooja Kumari, age 8 years 2 Riya. Kumari is 3 years old!

 We were completely unhappy, and there was no dispute of any kind between my husband and wife, we were giving our shop grill shop near our in-laws, with mine generators, drills, welding machines, etc. beds, inverters, and houses. We were living with the same things and keeping his wife the same, after a few days we came home from there, during this time we left all our belongings, after which a few days later my wife went to Maike, after which I went home to fetch my wife, where my brother-in-law Raju did not allow us to bring his wife, we asked for our goods but refused to give that stuff as well, after which we came back home. Talking to the panchayat and we got a panchayat done on 12 June 2014, instructing the two families to live happily together, and after the panchayat, they got the panchayat done on their behalf, but then She also did not return after which my brother-in-law and my mother-in-law forcibly asked my lawyer before my wife forcibly filed a lawsuit in Koderma court under 498 (a) Sent and filed a lawsuit, and in this way my in-laws sued me for ruining my life, after this we kept telling them that you are ruining my house family because of your enmity, what will you get my house In the meantime, we talked to the gun recognized people of our society and decided to settle down, on which the people of the society took the initiative, on 26/03/19 in Koderma Court on 26 March 2019 between the two sides. Got it done and when it was time for the girl to leave, my brother-in-law Raju swore to his sister that you will be in-laws, then we will be ruined, we will earn money from the same, you will become homeless and unemployed, will you? I want your brother to be unemployed, we will do as much as we can, and after speaking all this, my wife was driven away from the court and taken home, after which they again called and threatened to destroy you. Will sell it now, you are in a mess if you want to keep my sister, then give us 5 lakh rupees, then we will take the case and send your sister off, If not given, then be prepared to face it, we have become very upset with this kind of threat,

The same my wife does not want to be without me and she keeps on asking us to take her to her every day and calls us to take her, but is afraid of her mother and brother and says if we both Even if you run away, you will have to go to jail due to a case in court and we do not want to let you go to jail, who will take care of both the children again? My wife says whatever you say, we are ready to give up everything, if you do not agree, then who will agree? We both have such a good relationship that both do not want to live for a moment without each other! But in my sweet relationship my brother-in-law and my mother-in-law are spoiling my wife's life with me and my child!

We want my family to settle down and we can live a good life with our children.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Kamathya Singh, the driver of Dab Thana, says no one is a big punk from the police

 My name is Vinod Kumar Mehta age 44 years old Father Late Dalnarayan Mehta Gram- Geruhadih, Post-domanche, Station, District - Kodarma (Jharkhand) I am a native of I choose and buy junk. We spend our house by buying and selling junk. My family has two girls and two boys with my wife all studying nowLike Rose 12 July, In the evening of 2020 we were coming back from Satgawa by purchasing the junk. Tilliban was investigating the police vehicles in Pandaria at 6:00 pm. My auto also stopped with the policeman. We stopped the car immediately after asking for paper. ShowedSeeing the paper, the police left our car on the nose As soon as we got ahead with the car, the police called us by the driver of the car, Kamatha Singh, we stopped the car again and went to him. He started asking for ₹ 500 when I said that sir, money has run out of money and he will hear so much in buying junk. Dirty dirty We started abusing that sir, do not abuse, I felt his favor, he angrily put a loud slap on my cheek, we started feeling dizzy as soon as we were fasting on Sunday, we said what a mistake we made sir.  You are killing us. On speaking this much, two three slap and put, seeing the blood coming from my mouth and nose, we started crying fast at that time, we were alone, maybe no one came to save us from the fear of the police The policemen asked us to leave as soon as we turned back, he hit a kick on my back too. While he was saying which leader will save you, Mahesh Rai or Prince Mehta or Pappu Mehta? He threatened me and said that there is no punk bigger than the police, tie this knot, at that time we could not believe that all this was happening to me, so I had just seen in the movies, we were abused by the police I was completely upset at that time my whole body was shivering, we were drowned in sweat

 After a while, we took those people sitting in a big car to the police station, at that time we were getting very restless and there was a lot of fear from inside that what these people will do with me now is what we think all the way They were present there in the police station. A boy called Suraj Kumar and left us on his neck. We reached home around 9:00 pm in the night. My wife and children were very upset at home. With me I told the incident, the problem was clear on the face of all the people, all of them had become fickle that night, neither did I eat food nor slept well, once again, the same question was coming to mind why with us Happened all night, the incident was passing before the eyes, the other day in the morning we went to our brother and gave them all the information of the incident, after getting their advice, we went to the police station and applied and demanded high level inquiry due to no money.  I could not get my treatment. In any way, I was not able to tolerate pain, nor was it heard from my ear and was also misty with the eye when the pain was out of tolerance, then we took a loan and went to the doctor for treatment.  It is only after checking the doctor said that we will get treatment and we will come back home to check If not earning, the family's grudge, how did we go to the car again and buy the trash, we got the charge on the way, He scared us where we have complained by applying, we said sir, we have complained about those who killed us. If the charge did not say anything, then we left with our car when we were coming back by buying the trash then the police station was in charge. They forcibly compromised by calling us to the police station, they said that by signing this paper, nothing will happen, we were not obeying them, then they threatened us and forcibly signed us, then let us go from the police station We want us to get justice.



When I went to meet the police for justice in my case, he scolded us


My name is Sushma Devi age 45 years husband Late Suman Kumar Swarnakar Gram- Bazaar Road Domchanch, Hu Sun, a native of District Kodarma Jharkhand, died in 2008 due to incurable disease, my two boys and two girls were very young at the time and were studying After the death of the husband, it was known how difficult it was for a single woman to live in the world. For a few days, everybody should dare us, the family is with you, Just as we all have child upbringing, so when your children are responsible, gradually everyone should have relations with us, in the absence of money, children leave their studies, in some way, children can study till 10th only. isThat it was difficult to run home expenses Our family was not persuaded to give part to us as many times as we asked for them, while harassing us in the same way, my mother-in-law Ahilya Devi would call us day and night as a witch. She would say "My son ate and now part." They are demanding I felt very bad about people, even my father-in-law and brother-in-law harassed us. Many of those people were not without abuse. I used to ask for expenses to run my house, so he was willing to give this people. Were not My husband had a gold silver shop. He did not give us anything to keep the same stuff. Now my life was starting to burden us but I was willing to listen and bear anything for the future of my children.  Seeing this, my father-in-law and brother-in-law entered my room and even tried to discredit me by physically exploiting me or always speaking on the organ on my body as much as the people who tortured me, I kept getting stronger from inside We went to the Coderma Deputy Commissioner with his complaint, he heard the whole thing and asked us to go home, from there I came straight home a few days later, the police of Domchancha came to my house to ask me, my brother-in-law made an excuse from the police and sent it from outside.  If there is no action for a few days, then we came to know about our Fariyad in Thana and it was found that there is no case of me here that people were stopping us from the clutches and money After the order from the court, on 13 January 2020, the police filed an FIR. Even after passing so many days, no action was taken, we went to his office to meet the Superintendent of Police on 10 March 2020 but could not meet the Superintendent of Police like this.  We visited his office for three days in a row but could not meet him On 13 March 2020, I met the Superintendent of Police, I asked him to be silent as soon as he listened to me and asked us to be silent, the Superintendent of Police said, going to the court and pleaded that he would listen to them. Court What mistake did we make by going in, we came back home with full heart

Is her part a case crime after the husband dies?? What crime have I committed because of which I have to be so humiliated, we wanted my in-laws to give my husband the part in the land and the gold silver of the shop so that I could teach my children employment.

 Now I want to spend my life in peace with my children.


                                                                              struggling victims


                                           (Sushma Devi)